Hi, My Name is Scott...

I never considered myself to be a musician when I was growing up. In fact, I was thoroughly convinced that I did not have what it takes to be able to play music.

I took cello lessons and failed miserably. I took piano lessons without making much progress. I sort of learned to play the recorder in school, if you can call playing hot cross buns playing.

What I’m getting at is that I was a terrible musician. I couldn’t sing, I couldn’t keep time, I couldn’t play an instrument, the list of things I couldn’t do with respect to music is long.

I found this particularly frustrating because my father was an absolutely fantastic professional saxophone player. I figured somewhere in me there had to be an inherent talent for music.

I was very wrong.

What I realized as I grew older was that my father didn’t have an inherent musical talent either. What he did have was an unstoppable drive to succeed.

It took me a few years to get over my false belief that I could never be a good musician.

A few years earlier my father had bought me a guitar as a Christmas present. It was sitting in a dusty case in my room, neglected.

I had recently met a man named Jacob, another amazing musician. Jacob’s talent was with string instruments, particularly the bass. I asked his advice about what I should learn first.

He told me to learn music theory, so I went online and began to read. I read a lot and started to teach myself scales. I was still really terrible at the guitar, but I kept at it, and slowly I improved.

I stress the word slowly.

A couple weeks into this process I asked Jacob to teach me guitar, and he said he would. I quickly found out that Jacob–despite being an incredible talented player–wasn’t a good teacher.

Jacob couldn’t think like a beginner, he couldn’t break down the knowledge and present it in bite sized pieces that were easy to swallow and digest.

I’ve designed my lessons with that in mind.

During the process of teaching myself the guitar, I learned a lot about how to teach guitar. I applied what I learned to write my best-selling Simple Lessons Guitar Series.

I’m still learning today. Music is extremely complicated and eclectic. I know for a fact that I will never master music, but that was never my goal.

My goal was to be able to play with other people and enjoy doing it.

I've achieved that goal, and it was worth the work.

I’ve designed my lessons with that in mind.

During the process of teaching myself the guitar, I learned a lot about how to teach guitar. I applied what I learned to write my best-selling Simple Lessons Guitar Series.

I’m still learning today. Music is extremely complicated and eclectic. I know for a fact that I will never master music, but that was never my goal.

My goal was to be able to play with other people and enjoy doing it.

I've achieved that goal, and it was worth the work.

Now I want to help you achieve your musical goals,
whatever they may be.

Now I want to help you achieve your musical goals, whatever they may be.

I want to use what I learned the slow, hard way to make your learning process fast and easy.

Scott J. Harris